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The Aikido Delaware Aikikai was created for and serves all who seek to enhance their quality of life through the knowledge and practice of Aikido and other Japanese cultural arts. We embrace the founder, Rev. Zenko N. Okimura's principles of love, caring, inclusiveness, justice and peace to enrich ourselves, our families and our community.


Date Event Name Information Registration Connection
SAT, JAN 6 Hatsu Keiko - (1st Aikido Kids class of New Year 2024) --- State Safety Regulations On the Mat and Online
SAT, JAN 27 **Kagami Biraki Flier Shinnen Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!
Thank you for joining us to welcome in the New Year at Kagami Biraki with the Spirit of Our Shihan! The Year of the
Wooden Dragon is upon us, and may we all be
grounded in our convictions as Aikidoka, to recognize
our blessing of connection no matter how near or far.
May prosperity, fortune, and love bestow all WAAI
Family during this auspicious year!
On the Mat and Online
FEBRUARY --- --- ---
SAT, JAN 10 Winter Seminar Flier Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! 新年快乐! Thank you for joining us for the Winter Seminar with the Spirit of Our Shihan! Much love and appreciation to our Dearest Shihan, from above continuing to bless us with the opportunity to celebrate his Dragon Year and Birthday, guiding us to always improve as Aikidoka, to be together as Family! On the Mat and Online
MARCH --- --- ---
SAT, MAR 23 Spring Rejoice --- Dear WAAI Family, Happy Nowruz (new day)! Thank you for joining us for the Spring Rejoice Celebration with the Spirit of Our Shihan! On this new day of celebration, being with our WAAI Family, we express our appreciation to Shihan for introducing us to Nowruz. To treat every new day as a new beginning, we learn to be thankful of the blessings, another opportunity to learn! On the Mat and Online
APRIL --- --- ---
SAT and SUN, APR 27-28 Annual Memorial Observance Seminar Flier Dear WAAI Family, Thank you for joining us for the Annual Memorial Observance Seminar with the Spirit of Our Shihan! We missed those that could not make it this time and look forward to seeing all for our next auspicious WAAI Family gathering! On the Mat and Online
JUNE --- --- ---
SAT, JUN 29 Summer Seminar Flier Dear WAAI Family, Thank you for joining us for the 2024 Summer Seminar with the Spirit of Our Shihan. In joyful gathering of Family, we were all happy to see you especially our Aikido Kids with heartfelt support from our WAAI members We missed those that could not make it this time and look forward to seeing all for our next auspicious WAAI Family gathering! Stay tuned! Save the Date coming soon! Our Annual Thanksgiving Seminar will be in November! Looking forward to making another memorable time together! In Gassho, WAAI Headquarters - Aikido Delaware Aikikai On the Mat and Online

**Please note: Jointly sponsored Events are in Italic and Bold.

Aikido Delaware Aikikai and Kyo Mizu Kai organizations

Event Dates may change, notice will be posted when any changes are made.
Events are usually held at the Dojo, otherwise posted. Located just off Route 72 near the I-95 overpass.

Call ADA at 302.369.AIKI (2454) or visit www.AikidoDA.org

As of 08/02/24